Title: Zenji & the Muzzy Bug: The Mindful & Magical Sleep Solution (Buddabugzz Sleepwell Book 1)
Author: Aisli Madden
Publisher: www.DesignBOS.ie; 2 edition (October 5, 2015)
Pages: 32
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Book Summary:
Zenji the Buddabug is feeling rather unwell. He is stuck in bed and he’s
extremely bored… That’s until his buddy Karma appears and takes him on a
magical adventure… inside Zenji’s body!
After listening to Karma’s relaxation rhyme, Zenji is transported inside
his own body where he heals himself from within, and becomes more
relaxed with each breath he takes.
Buddabugzz bedtime stories are infused with well-being and mindfulness
techniques that help develop self-confidence and positive thinking from
the earliest age. Each title is purposely designed to encourage sleep at
bedtime and to safeguard and nurture children’s mental health from
Age Level: 0 – 8 Grade Level: P – 2 32 pages
My Review:
What a delightful children's picture book! Zenji is a Buddabug who has caught a Muzzy Bug. Karma, the little voice inside his head, pops out of nowhere and tells Zenji that he needs to believe in a little magic. Zenji begins a magical tour within himself and makes himself feel better. What I loved most about this picture book were the illustrations. I would close the book and read it again just to see all the vibrant colors again. Aisli Madden has a great concept - a more holistic approach to being sick and proves the point that if we believe in our healing powers within ourselves, we heal much faster. Loved it!
I give this book 5 rainbows!
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