Children's Book Author Interview: Michael Dow, author of 'Nurse Florence for Beginning Readers Coloring Book: Why Is Chicken Healthy To Eat?'


Michael Stephen Dow is married to Perla in Arizona and has 3 kids.  Michael was on a path to attend medical school and then the events of September 11, 2001 occurred.  Michael became angry at the terrorists and decided to join the US Air Force.  He went through Officer Training School and then graduated specialized Navigator training to become an Electronic Warfare Officer.  Michael deployed 6 times for the Global War on Terror between 2005 and 2009 with the EC-130H Compass Call mission.  Michael medically retired in 2010 and then became an US Army contractor serving Wounded Warriors and ensuring they received all of their entitled benefits for 8 years.  Michael always had a love for science and the human body so he then used his GI bill to go through nursing school and graduated in August 2020.  Michael now works as a Registered Nurse at an inpatient psychiatric hospital.  Michael’s education is as follows: B.A. in Psychology from Auburn University in 1999, B.S. in Biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2001, M.S. in Management from Troy University in 2010, Masters in Health Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2017, and M.S. from the University of Arizona in 2020 through its 15 month accelerated Masters Entry to the Profession of Nursing program.  Michael is the Founder and Manager of Dow Creative Enterprises, LLC.  His books have garnered the Silver Nautilus Book award in 2020 (Nurse Florence, Help I’m Bleeding) and an Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion category for the 2021 International Book Awards (A Prayer to Our Father in the Heavens: Possibly the Greatest Jewish Prayer of All Time).  Michael believes we will need the best of science and religion to successfully navigate ourselves, our civilization, through the future obstacles we will face.  More information can be found at and  Nurse Florence® is a federally registered trademark by Dow Creative Enterprises.  The Nurse Florence® series seeks to promote science and health among children and to help increase the health literacy levels of our society.  With teamwork, inclusion, faith and perseverance, we can bravely face our problems and help each other reach our better selves as well as our best collective good.

Author Links 

 Website | Facebook 

Thanks for this interview, Michael.  I've always wanted to write children's books.  When did you determine that writing for children was for you?

My mom said many years ago, after she saw my love of writing, that if I ever became successful, it would probably be due to a kids book.  During the beginning of COVID, I was very concerned about my children’s online education and thought, “What if I write a science book series and my kids have to read it because dad wrote it.”  The Nurse Florence series was born and the first published in Sep 2020. 

What was the inspiration behind your children's coloring book, Nurse Florence for Beginning Readers Coloring Book: Why is Chicken Healthy to Eat?

I found some great research posted on the National Library of Medicine found in the journal, Food Nutrition Research, and thought that all families should be aware of this info.  I thought making the info easily accessed through a first grade book will help our health literacy levels in the country.  I also created an original Nurse Florence® title with this book which is for 4th – 8th graders.  The Beginning Readers edition is for first graders though.

How do you get into the mind of a child to create a fun reading experience?  Are you around kids?  Are you a kid at heart?

My dad would say as I was growing up, “You can grow old, but you don’t have to grow up.”  I would like to think, though, that I have matured into adulthood while keeping my child like curiosity.  I love to learn new things and love to share info.  It seems I have found a niche with sharing complicated information down to a child’s level.

What was your favorite book as a child?

The C.S. Lewis Narnia books.

What kind of advice would you give to writers who would like to write children's books?

It’s never too late to start and the sooner you start putting pen to paper or typing on your keyboard, the sooner you can help better our world with new perspectives.

What are your goals for the future?  More children's books?

Dow Creative Enterprises publishes a new Nurse Florence® book about every 10 days.  We have published 92 as of June 2024 and plan to publish 500 in the series.  Nurse Dorothea ahs started to publish and that series is about mental health for teenagers.  I have about 30 other kid book series in mind and am unsure when those will start to publish.  Our company’s trademark phrase is Help Civilization Reach Its Potential® so we have big plans for the future.  We need some best sellers to fund out projects, though.


About the Book:

Jean, Condi, and Sonia see Nurse Florence in the cafeteria and ask if they can sit with her so they can learn something new.  The nurse is eating chicken, and the girls ask her why it is healthy to eat.  Nurse Florence discusses the types of nutrients inside like vitamins, minerals, and protein.  The nurse mentions that research shows eating chicken with lots of vegetables is very healthy for you.  The girls are amazed at how the body works and how chicken can help them have a healthy lifestyle.  They can’t wait to see Nurse Florence again and keep learning new things about the body.
You can purchase your copy at Lulu.

Book Review: Scrapper's Christmas Story by Maria J. Andrade


Title: Scrapper's Christmas Story
Author: Maria J. Andrade
Pages: 36
Genre: Children’s Picture Book

An angel tells the heartwarming story of a small, homeless, dog who wanders through busy streets longing for a loving family. The enchanting Scrapper’s  Christmas Story, is a children’s book that is sure to captivate young hearts this holiday season.

Written in a captivating style reminiscent of classic children’s books, Scrapper’s Christmas Story, takes young readers on a magical journey filled with friendship, wonder, and the true spirit of Christmas. Follow the lovable Scrapper, alone, cold, and friendless, as he embarks on an unforgettable adventure, where he is befriended by the kindness of an immigrant man who also knows the need to belong. Both dog and man discover the magic of the holiday season and the joy of giving.

Scrapper’s Christmas Story, is ideal for children of all ages, making it the perfect choice for parents, grandparents, and loved ones seeking a heartwarming story to share during the holiday season!

Buy Links:

Amazon | Buy From the Author with Free Shipping


Scrapper's Christmas Story by Maria J. Andrade has to be one of the cutest children's books I've read with a rescue as its main character. I'm a big advocate of animal rescue and dogs in particular hold a soft spot in my heart. 

A kind old man sees a pack of dogs scrounging for food, but one in particular stands out to him. He would come back day after day looking for food so the kind old man dubbed him "Scrapper." Scrapper is hesitant at first but eventually the kind old man makes headway and gets Scrapper to come to him. What they may or may not realize is that both the old man and Scrapper have a lot in common. Both are basically immigrants looking for their place in the world. 

This book gave me goosebumps.  I give it 5 rainbows!

Book Review: Grace And The Golden Rule by Negrita Smart

Title: Grace And The Golden Rule
Author: Negrita Smart
Pages: 34
Genre: Children’s Picture Book

Grace loves the Winter season. It is her favorite of all seasons because she loves to play in the snow with her friends. Winter is also Grace’s favorite season because she can wear her favorite purple scarf. Grace wears it every day until she meets Ruth. After meeting Ruth as school, Grace feels differently about playing in the snow and wearing her favorite purple scarf. This is because Grace learns a valuable lesson about how to treat other people.


What a beautiful story! Let me begin with the book cover. Colorful, whimsical and inviting with the color purple my absolute favorite color to put on a children's book. Don't you just love that hair and freckles??

In Negrita Smart's new children's picture book, Grace And The Golden Rule, we follow little Grace on a magical journey of discovering about other children's feelings. A new girl enters her class and Grace befriends her. She likes her so much that she invites this girl to her house to play in the snow. What should have been a fun time for Grace turned into a life lesson. What a feel good book!

I would gladly recommend this book and give it 5 rainbows.

Grace and The Golden Rule is available at Amazon at

Children's Book Author Interview: Negrita Smart, author of 'Grace And The Golden Rule'


Negrita Smart is a small-town girl from Dadeville, Alabama. She is a wife, sister, believer, and teacher at heart.

The first of her family to graduate from college, Negrita holds a Masters in Business Administration and the insurance designation of Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriters and holds insurance licenses in Property and Casualty and Life and Health. She credits and shares her accomplishments with her supportive family.     

Negrita loves spending time with her family and has happily taken on the official role of Event Planner bringing family members together through fun and love. 

In her professional life, Negrita utilizes her talent for sharing knowledge and information as a new-hire trainer creating user-friendly webinars, courses, tests, and gauge learning within business areas such as auto, property, and agriculture.    

As an author, Negrita is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators always looking to connect, share and grow with fellow writers.    

An active supporter of her local church ministry, Negrita is driven to share life lessons with children through story-telling and relatable characters.  

Follow her on Instagram at

Thanks for this interview, Negrita. I've always wanted to write children's books. How did you determine that writing for children was for you? 

God gave me the idea and inspiration to write a children’s book. I began writing a personal memoir in 2020 during the pandemic but was later motivated to write a children’s book instead of a memoir. 

What was the inspiration behind your children's book, Grace And The Golden Rule? 

I wanted to write a book that would teach children lessons based on bible principles. The Golden Rule is a biblical principle that I learned as a child. This is the first book in a series of books that will continue to teach valuable lessons to children. Also, my hope is that the books will serve as a conversation starter between parents/guardians and children about those things that are most important in life. 

How do you get into the mind of a child to create a fun reading experience? Are you around kids? Are you a kid at heart? 

I approach writing for children by knowing the mind of a child. Children are honest. Children are direct. Children are very intelligent. Children will give you 1-2 minutes to captivate their attention. Since I know these characteristics of a child, I write with a sense of purity, I get to the point, and leave them with a message they can comprehend and retain. 

What was your favorite book as a child? 

Amelia Bedelia. I thought she was hilarious. 

What kind of advice would you give to writers who would like to write children's books?

My advice is to find your motivation for writing for children. Ask yourself, is there something I want to teach a child, impart to a child that will shape them from childhood to adulthood.


About the Book:

Grace loves the Winter season. It is her favorite of all seasons because she loves to play in the snow with her friends. Winter is also Grace’s favorite season because she can wear her favorite purple scarf. Grace wears it every day until she meets Ruth. After meeting Ruth as school, Grace feels differently about playing in the snow and wearing her favorite purple scarf. This is because Grace learns a valuable lesson about how to treat other people.

Purchase at Amazon:

Picture Book Summit 2023 is October 7, 2023


How exciting! Picture Book Summit 2023 has been determined to be on October 7, 2023! Get your ticket here.

Guests include Julie Andrews, Emma Walton Hamilton, Nikki Grimes, Philip C. Stead, Erin E. Stead, Angela Dalton, Julie Hedlund and Katie Davis.

Picture Book Summit is a world-class online conference for picture book writers and illustrators. With keynotes and workshops from bestselling, award-winning authors and illustrators, plus other learning and networking opportunities for aspiring picture book authors around the globe, all from the comfort of home, this is the one conference for children’s writers you don’t want to miss!

Not all children’s literature conferences are the same. Our team has invested in a robust, online learning “classroom” so we can bring you award-winning, well-respected speakers and workshops LIVE. This means you’ll have opportunities for Q&A, interaction with other attendees, and live customer service throughout the entire event. Submission opportunities? Of course! We coordinate picture book submission opportunities for our attendees every year.

Picture Book Summit is not only the least stressful and most high-value conference to attend, but the best investment you’ll make in your writing career all year long. Skip the airport lines, travel expenses and stress. Instead, join hundreds of other participants at the Picture Book Summit the first Saturday of October, year after year.

Children's Book Author Interview: Maria J. Andrade, author of 'Youngen Finds Her Song: An Inspiring Adventure From the Heart of Nature'

Maria J. Andrade is an author and licensed Marriage, Family Therapist. She has been writing books for children and adults on the themes of love, relationship, and earth stewardship, for over twenty years. Her novel based on a true story about three women’s lifelong friendship, Defiance and Redemption was recently published.

She believes peace in the world, begins under our own roof. Therefore, she wrote, Heart Magic, Keeping Love Alive & Well, a small guidebook for individuals to help them succeed in healthy, long-lasting relationships. These books are available in Spanish.

Her five books for children, including the eco-social bookYoungen Finds Her Song is an important and hopeful book for families to read together during these challenging times. It has been loved and enjoyed by children, parents, grandparents, and teachers across America.

You can visit her website at and connect with her on TwitterFacebookGoodreads and LinkedIn.

About the Book:

A young thrush named Youngen is having trouble finding her song. As she spends time with her friends who have beautiful feathers and nicer nests than her own, she starts to doubt herself and her parents. Rufus, a wise old owl, notices her discomfort and decides to take her on a journey to learn about the world.

As she travels with Rufus, she learns many things about the animals in the forest and about Humans – those strange animals that make war with each other, but also build magnificent cities. And she learns that Humans can also be loving and compassionate, when she finds her own life in danger. As Youngen learns about herself and the world around her, she spontaneously bursts into song – her own unique and very beautiful song.

Author Maria J. Andrade has written a sweet novel of a young bird coming of age. She shares tidbits of wisdom about animal life and their habits along the way, to educate while telling her story. Respect for the earth and all animal and plant life is demonstrated through Youngen’s words and actions. An uplifting book with a positive and timely message.  Youngen Finds Her Song is a delight to read!

 —Alice Berger, Berger’s Book Reviews

Book Information

Release Date: October 7, 2008

Publisher:  Clara Publishing

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-0970634733; 108 pages; $29.59, Hardcover $12.01; E-Book, $7.99

Book Website:


Thanks for this interview, Maria.  I've always wanted to write children's books.  When did you determine that writing for children was for you? 

I started out my career as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist. I specialized in working with children. I  used the sand tray play method, stories, music, and poetry, to help children feel at ease in the therapy setting.  As the years went by, children showed me that there were many topics they were interested in and I found myself having a conversation with young people through the writing of stories. Often these stories focused on humor, the topics of friendship, and the wonders of the natural world around us.  I saw children responding to my stories so I decided to make them public for other children as well. It is such a delight when I am invited to a school to read one of my stories and I see and hear the children's reactions. I have written five children's books so far.

What was the inspiration behind your children's fiction, Youngen Finds Her Song?        

There is a lot of negativity that children are exposed to in the modern world. So I wanted to write a story that had hope and laughter in it and contained all the wonderful things we can be grateful for in our lives. This includes family, friends, community, the beauty and generosity of nature and the world ofSpirit which is in all that lives. So I wrote a book about a small, female, bird called, "Youngen" who has little self-confidence and doesn't appreciate herself or her family and I placed her on a fabulous, fun, filled, adventure to find her unique song. Actually, she discovers more than her song on this journey but it is her caretaker, an old owl, named, "Rufus" who suggests she start this adventure with him.     

 How do you get into the mind of a child to create a fun reading experience?  Are you around kids?  Are you a kid at heart?  

I mentioned that I specialized in counseling children but I am definitely a kid at heart. I had three children of my own by the time I was twenty-two. I had a lot of fun with them because I was young myself. Now, I have five grandchildren but I love being around children of all ages. I write for young people from ages five to eighteen.    

What was your favorite book as a child?

Depends what age you are talking about. I loved limericks and poetry as a kid. I also loved the Mary Poppins books. When I was very young the first book I read is one I never forgot. It was, Ben (The life of Benjamin Franklin as told by the mouse who lived in his house). As I got older I also loved The Wind In the Willows, and later, Moby Dick. Its hard to pick one book!

What kind of advice would you give to writers who would like to write children's books?

Think of a story that you think children would enjoy and that would help them grow by reading. Even if it is a topic others have written about you can write it in your own unique style.What are your goals for the future?  More children's books?I have written a story based on a lullaby I wrote. The story will include the lullaby in the QR code in the cover of the book. So children can see the story and hear the song by scanning the code! I hope it will be published in 2023.

Book Review: Grandpa's Tales: Vampires in the Backyard and A Fish Tale by Cheryl Carpinello

: Vampires in the Backyard and A Fish Tale

Author: Cheryl Carpinello
Publisher: Silver Quill Publishing
Genre: Children’s Picture Books (Ages 4 – 8)


Grandma and Grandpa’s Tales books 1-3 encourage early readers with fun stories incorporating difference aspects of nature. Book 1, Wild Creatures In My Neighborhood and What if I Went to the Circus, explores the wildlife around neighborhoods and introduces decision-making. Book 2Singers of Songs and The Not Too Stubborn Humpback, explores a common, but not so common insect, and lets readers see that being stubborn isn’t always good. Book 3Vampires in the Backyard and A Fish Tale, introduces readers to an extended metaphor and lets them decide if the fish story is real.

Book Information

Release Date: Grandma’s Tales #1 (2016), Grandma’s Tales #2 (2018), Grandma’s Tales #3 (2021), Grandpa’s Tales #1 (2016), Grandpa’s Tales #2 (2018), Grandpa’s Tales #3 (2021)

Publisher:  Silver Quill Publishing

Soft Cover: Grandma’s Tales #1 – 39 pages; $9.99

Grandma’s Tales #2 – 66 pages; $13.99

Grandma’s Tales #3 – 64 pages; $14.99

Grandpa’s Tales #1 – 39 pages; $9.99

Grandpa’s Tales #2 – 66 pages; $13.99

Grandpa’s Tales #3 – 64 pages; $14.99

Amazon Ma 1:

Amazon Pa 1:

Amazon Ma 2:

Amazon Pa 2:

Amazon Ma 3:

Amazon Pa 3:


Last but not least, I am reviewing the last book in the series by Cheryl Carpinello, Grandpa's Tales: Vampires in the Backyard and A Fish Tale and what a wonderful book to finish the series with!

First of all, like the others, this cover is so cute. We have Grandpa sitting in his rocker, fishing pole in tow, yet right beside him is a beware of vampires sign. Yikes! 

It starts out with the children in the backyard doing the usual kid things - chasing butterflies so forth. Nightime comes and the vampires come out only these aren't your usual run of the mill vampires and I don't want to give it away but it's something that's in everyone's backyard!

The next story is called A Fish Tale. George is going fishing all by himself. Only he was in for a surprise at what he caught! I won't give it away but I really felt sorry for little George. He was so proud that he was going all by himself and almost almost had "it" reeled in, then boom...and I can't give it away but this is also a cute cute story.

All in all, I was quite impressed with the author's creativity. She has given us so much pleasure through her books. Hoping for more!